Wednesday, October 21, 2009

PTT Post, the Dutch post office, employs 25,000 full-time post carriers and 10,000 part-timers. They handle 23 million letters and packages daily and deliver them to 7.2 million different addresses in the Netherlands. The advanced Rood Runner (pronounced ‘Roadrunner’) allows the delivery worker to carry more post with less effort. This new tricycle cart being introduced by PTT Post is ideal in areas with traffic restrictions. By enlarging the delivery worker’s action radius, it increases the efficiency of the operation. It also saves on motor vehicle kilometres. PTT Post’s new post delivery cart is full of bright ergonomic ideas. When steered, the wheels move but not the load container; a feature that is important because it eliminates operator backstrain. The pedal drive is supplemented by an electric motor which provides up to half the power needed to propel the vehicle. Besides moving off more quickly from a standstill, the cart is easier to propel uphill, over bridges than the traditional mail-carrier’s bicycle. The mail is protected from weather and theft by a plastic container with an electronic lid lock. On loan from PTT Post.

Bakfiets with cover

Awesome Cargo bikes!!!

At the Container Store we were looking to find interesting mechanisms that will allow us to get the fixtures that will be stored in the bike as small as possible, leaving room available for cargo. The Elfa system is really intriguing, an elfa track could be attached to the outside edge of the bike, allowing for all different fixtures and attachments possibilities. The collapsible crate was was also great for what we are looking for, it folds completely flat and is super rigid once open.

Container store fun